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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: Child Of His Grace
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Hyper Static Union 

Conviction stirs within
This is how repentance begins
As He draws me in
I'm sheltered from the wages of my sin

With open arms He's welcoming me home
Even though no righteousness I've shown
I am spared by mercy, child of His grace
Received into His favor despite my selfish ways
I am spared by mercy, child of His grace
Received into His favor despite my selfish ways

When I go my way
His perfect will for me my heart evades
He devises ways to bring me
Back into His love's embrace


He sentenced His only Son to die by our hands
The price for our sin could not be paid by man
Until He returns and His glory fills the land
For the Lord I will stand

I am spared by mercy, child of His grace
Received into His favor despite my selfish ways
I am spared by mercy, child of His grace
Received into His favor despite my selfish ways

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