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Gospel Lyrics >> Song Title :: My Father's Crown
Gospel Lyrics >> Song Artist :: Charlie Peacock 

It just happened again, I wanted to call you up
I wanted your opinion about something
It's funny how I valued it so little before
And now that I can't have it, I value it more
Why didn't God let me know? I could have had pleaded your case
With Christmas around the corner
He'd have seen it was bad timing and in poor taste
But He didn't ask me and I didn't know
It was your time to go
Couldn't cuss, couldn't cry, couldn't crawl
Threw my hands up in the face of it all
So this is what it's like to be the child
Of a man who's dead and gone
Well, the next time I see him it will be in a different light
When we look at each other all we'll see is what's right
And if I am indeed my father's crown, I will lay my body down
At the feet of my Savior and I will sing forever
With the perfection my father so desired
Every note in tune, every rhythm flawless
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!

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